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Add your company to Scotland’s data directory

Data Directory for Scotland

ScotlandIS Data, Scotland’s data cluster represents and supports businesses and organisations creating and delivering data driven digital products and services. This underpins a thriving community which brings together the ambition, talent and expertise across our industry to grow and protect the digital economy. Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government have funded the creation of a Data Directory for Scotland. This is a fantastic resource for the industry, the public sector and wider Scottish economy, helping to locate the right suppliers and showcasing the wealth of experience and innovation Scotland has in data. We believe that your company should be represented within the directory and ask that you complete this short form to add your company now. It won’t cost you anything and shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes to complete. We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and complying with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about the Directory, please contact ScotlandIS, Tel : 01506 472200 or email

Contact Information

The information you provide below will be listed within the Capability Directory and will therefore be public. The Directory will be available on the ScotlandIS website, through Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Government and various other online resources. By completing the following information you are agreeing to your details being published as outlined above.

Your Personal Information

Please complete your name, contact email address and telephone number. This information will not be publicly available but will be used to process your Directory entry should we have any questions.

Your capabilities

Please select from the options below the capabilities you feel best describe your company. Please only select options that you currently specialise in and not what you could do or may do in future. Please do not select all unless there is real justification. These answers will be reviewed to ensure they are in line with the products or services stated on your website before being added to the Directory.

Data Management

Artificial Intelligence

Further Categories

The following questions will not be added to the data directory, they are used for insights on the data security sector to help us focus and develop our strategy and plans in line with the needs of the cluster. It also helps us to connect your business to the right projects and activities being run in Scotland.
Are you undertaking research and development in Scotland (for example new and differentiated technologies/products/services being developed by your team. This could include in house developments for in house use, or bespoke work for a client.)

Does your company specialise in any of the following areas/technologies? (please only select those which you are actively working in)

Does your company specialise in any of these sectors? (please only select those which you are currently working in or actively targeting))

ScotlandIS Data

ScotlandIS Data, Scotland’s data cluster represents and supports businesses and organisations creating and delivering data driven digital products and services. This underpins a thriving community which brings together the ambition, talent and expertise across our industry to grow and protect the digital economy

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